This week’s ears in the spotlight have us looking forward to the fall and Halloween.
These ears are fun and festive. Plus, they have a unique feature to them that makes they a good pair to wear if you are going to Mickey’s Not-So Scary Halloween Party this year.
The ears on this headband are what have the unique feature. They’re padded and made of a simulated leather grain material. The design on the ears has pumpkins, Mickey pumpkins, and skeletons on it. The unique feature is that these pictures on the ears glow in the dark, which makes them a fun option to wear in the parks at night.

The bow is covered in orange sequins. It covers a bit of the ears in the front, but the full design of the ears can be seen from the back.

On the headband there are two different color materials. The outside is covered with a black material and the inside is covered with an orange non-slip material.

I love that the fall/Halloween ears are out now! This headband is park of the Mickey Mouse Family Halloween Collection, so if you like the ears you can check out the rest of the collection.
- Availability
- disneystore.com
- Select locations on Disney property
- Cost: $34.99
Do you have a favorite pair of ears? Feel free to share pictures of your Disney ears in the comments below or in one of our Facebook groups: Main Street Wishes and Countdown for Disney App.
Thanks for reading!