This past trip to Disney I noticed a caricature cart at Hollywood Studios. I was looking for a different kind of souvenir to get the kids and thought this might be a fun idea.
Tag Archives: Disney Souvenirs
Pressed Pennies in Disney World – A Fun and Less Expensive Souvenir
Let’s face it, souvenirs can be expensive. Not just in Disney World, but anywhere you go. There are some less expensive souvenirs you can plan for though. Have you seen the pressed penny machines in Disney World?
Planning for Disney World: Why Lists are Helpful
It doesn’t matter how many times you have been to Disney World, it’s huge. Trying to fit in everything you want to do can be difficult, no matter how long your trip is. That’s why I always tell people to make a list.
Disney Flashback Memorabilia

Hey Disney Fans! It’s time to talk about Disney flashback memorabilia. What are Disney flashback memorabilia? They are fun things that you’ve had for years that were purchased at one of the Disney parks or in a Disney Store. It’s fun to take them out and take a stroll down memory lane.
Planning for Disney World: Why Lists are Helpful
It doesn’t matter how many times you have been to Disney World, it’s huge. Trying to fit in everything you want to do can be difficult, no matter how long your trip is. That’s why I always tell people to make a list.
Disney World Delivered to Your Door With Mickey Monthly
I have wanted to try something like this for a while. So a week ago I picked a website and placed my order. Fast forward to today and I have some fun Disney snacks and souvenirs sitting on my dining room table.
Pressed Penny Machines in Disney World – An Inexpensive Souvenir
Let’s face it, souvenirs can be expensive. Not just in Disney World, but anywhere you go. There are some less expensive souvenirs you can plan for though. It’s becoming a pretty popular thing to do while in the parks and around the resorts. Have you seen the pressed penny machines in Disney World?
Weekly Tip: Free(ish) Souvenirs from Disney World
It is always fun to come home from Disney with a lot of souvenirs. For me, the souvenirs are something I can look at to remember our fun trip and I love that. However, buying a lot of souvenirs in Disney World can get expensive pretty fast. While it is fun to buy souvenirs, don’t forget about the free souvenirs that come along with your vacation.
Weekly Tip: Packing for Disney World
If you drive to Disney World it is easy to bring souvenirs home. You don’t have to worry about leaving space in a suitcase or whether you are going to have to pay extra for the added weight to the luggage. That all changes when you make the decision to fly to Disney World.
A Fun and Useful Souvenir From the Boardwalk
Mugs are one of the most common kinds of souvenirs you can get from anywhere. Some people will say they are a waste of your money and that you should spend your souvenir money on something you can’t get anywhere else. I tend to disagree.