Hey Disney Fans!
It’s always fun to try new crafts and even more fun to put a Disney twist to the crafts. That’s what I did with this bath bomb craft. I’ve made them before, but I liked the idea of adding some Disney magic to this batch.
Not so long ago I came across these adorable Disney figures at the Dollar Store and decided to surprise my kiddos with them by putting them in homemade bath bombs! Given that the characters in the bath bombs were from the ocean, I felt the bath bombs needed to be ocean themed.
The recipe is super basic. Check it out below and give it a try!
The things you’ll need:
* 1 Cup Citric Acid (available on amazon or any soap supplies store)
* 2 Cups Baking Soda
* Small spray bottle filled with witch hazel or water
* Liquid blue color (I used one that was specifically designed for use in soap, although I have seen people use food color, just be careful with food coloring I’ve heard it can stain a white tub).
* Sea inspired fragrance oil. I used Ocean Breeze by P&J trading (available on amazon). Use anywhere between 1/2 tsp – 1 tsp depending on how strongly scented you’d like your bath bomb.
*Large mold (I used a large egg shaped mold because it was big enough to accommodate the figures)
* A large mixing bowl
Time to Make the Bath Bombs
Step 1: Put the 1 cup of Citric Acid in a bowl.
Step 2: Measure Baking Soda and add to bowl.
- To make sure your baking soda isn’t clumpy try sifting it or measuring it through a fine sieve / strainer.
Step 3: Add your fragrance and color. The mixture may fizz a bit when this is added. It’s normal. Just cover the fizzing with dry ingredients and mix together with your hands until the color is universally distributed. Add as much or as little color for desired outcome. Usually about 1/2 tsp is a good place to start.
- If you have any cuts on your hands you are about to find them! The citric acid will sting if you mix the ingredients with bare hands. I usually wear disposable gloves to mix all of the ingredients just to avoid this.
- It’s best to mix in a well vented area. I find the citric acid can create airborne clouds. To avoid breathing a lot of it in either wear a mask or do it in a well vented area.
Now for the tricky part:
Step 4: Take your spray bottle, filled with either witch hazel or water and
spray the mixture in the bowl several times. It will start to fizz. Mix quickly with your hands. The mixture may feel a little cold to the touch, that’s normal. You want it to ultimately resemble damp sand. If you squeeze the mixture, it should begin to hold together, this is the consistency you’re looking for.
When you’ve reached this consistency, mold the bath bombs. Just be careful, there is a danger in making the mixture “too wet”. If this happens the mixture will expand and change shape while drying. I tend to mold them and take them out of the mold immediately to dry.
Bath bombs can be a little tricky to get out of molds. Have patience and have fun. If you aren’t sure you can take it out of the mold without it falling apart, try letting it dry “a little” before removing it entirely. I’ve found that if they fully dry in the mold then I have a really hard time getting them out.
Overall I typically let them set / dry for about a day before I move them or use them.
Most importantly……HAVE FUN!! And if you do make some, be sure to share your pictures below. We love to hear from you, it makes our day!!
Thanks for reading!