This week’s ears in the spotlight definitely give those tropical vibes.
The Moana ear headband has some bright colored flowers, like the ones you would find on Moana’s island. In addition to the bright colored flowers, the ears are also a good representation of Moana and her island. These are really pretty and a great pair for anyone who loves Moana.
The ears on this headband have use the same geometric shapes that the movie did. On the ears, Moana is represented with these shapes, with the most noticeable being ocean waves.

There is no bow on these ears. Instead, this is where you will find those brightly colored flowers. It’s not just a couple of flowers either, there are several on the headband and they definitely are the first thing noticed when looking at them. There’s even a flower on the back of the ears peaking through, so either side of the headband could be worn facing front.

The headband has a cream color fabric around the outside. On the inside of the headband is a salmon colored non-slip velour material.

This is such a pretty design. Even if you’re not a fan of the movie, but like the tropical look with bright colors, this ear headband is for you.
- Availability
- shopDisney.com
- Select locations on Disney property
- Cost: $34.99
Do you have a favorite pair of ears? Feel free to share pictures of your Disney ears in the comments below or in one of our Facebook groups: Main Street Wishes and Countdown for Disney App.
Thanks for reading!