Last week I posted the above picture an asked for guesses as to where the posters are located. Clearly it’s in a well visited area, because a lot of people knew exactly where to find it.
The posters are located in Pixar Place at Hollywood Studios. This area is located right past the entrance to Toy Story Land and Walt Disney Presents. There isn’t a whole lot to do in this area anymore, unfortunately. When they first transformed the block they used to have The Super Shindig and guests got to dance around with Mr. and Mrs. Incredible and Frozone. It was a limited time event, but I’m hoping they bring something like that back eventually.
Good news though, guests can still meet Edna Mode in Pixar Place. She meets guests in the building where Woody and Buzz used to meet guests before Toy Story Land opened. She’s fun to meet and her queue line has a lot of things to see. There are different super suits that she has designed on display as well as quotes of hers from the movie. She’s fun to pose with and she always takes a look at what you are wearing. When I met her she motioned to my hat that she liked it.
The posters are located near the end of the area. There may not be a lot going on in Pixar Place, but there are still lots of fun details to see. There are other posters, business names from the movies that are above doors, and clues that Jack Jack has been in the area. It’s fun to take a little time and wander the area looking at the details.
Thanks to everyone who played along this week and congratulations to those that knew where the posters are located! Another Where is it Wednesday picture will be soon!
Have you checked out all the details in Pixar Place?
Thanks for reading!