This rumor surfaces every year, but this year the rumors seemed have more credibility. Still, I wanted to wait to hear something directly from Disney and, unfortunately, we now know this is true.
Disney has announced that they will start charging guests for overnight self-parking. This means that guests who are staying at a Disney Resort hotel with their car will now have to pay a per night fee to park their car at the hotel.
This is creating an uproar on social media this morning, because we are all so used to the parking being complimentary. From what I understand though, other hotels in the area (including Universal) already charge for overnight self-parking. Still, people are upset and it’s understandable. This is another thing that people who drive to Disney will have to factor in to their vacation budget.
Here are the pricing details for overnight parking:
- Value Resorts: $13 per night
- Moderate Resorts: $19 per night
- Deluxe and Deluxe Villa Resorts: $24 per night
- Valet Parking for Deluxe and Deluxe Villa Resorts: $33 per night
- Parking at the campsites is still complimentary for one motorized vehicle.
- Disney Vacation Club Members who are staying on points will not be charged to park.
- Guests visiting resorts for the day for shopping, dining, etc. can still enjoy complimentary parking.
This new pricing will go into effect for reservations made March 21, 2018 and after. The fees will be added to the payment when guests are checking out of their hotel.
For a lot of people, driving is a less expensive option than flying to Disney, but if they plan a long vacation then those parking fees will add up. Given that other hotels charge parking fees, what are your thoughts on Disney making this change?
Thanks for reading!
I always travel by plane and use the magical express, so this will not effect me. But I really don’t think it is fair to those who drive. That is a large addition to their vacation.
I’m going in October but my reservation was made in January. Does this mean the fee won’t apply to me?
Hi Kathryn!
That’s right. Since your reservation was made before March 21 you won’t have to pay the parking fee.
You already pay more than enough for tickets, rooms, food, souvenirs, etc. The parking charge is ridiculous. It’s like they are taking your vehicle hostage while you have fun. It’s not like Disney is cramped for space like Universal. I do not like this at all.
Just one more way to make money. Maybe it isn’t gobs of money but for me it may just keep me and mine at home. Disney is getting less Disney every time we go while costs continue to increase. Time to regroup.
They are making it harder and harder for people to be able to afford going toDisney
That is really the last straw
We are coming in may will probably be our last time
Not too happy about this whole idea don’t they already make enough money on admission already, the ticket prices just went up and now this enough already!
I agree. They make a lot of money already. If you add all the marvel and Star Wars movies. The profit is huge. This adds a huge amount in the pockets for them. Not a good move from Disney. It’s disappointing.
I’ve always resented the hotels that do this. It’s just another way to soak people. It’s not like Disney doesn’t make enough money as it is. If they really want to do this, they should just make it part of the room rate. Those rates have gone up so many times people hardly blink anymore.
It’s really sad what Disney is becoming. They charge enough parking fees for the outside visitors. Now people that spend more to stay in the park have to pay to park ontop of the high room rates. And why does the price differ by resort. A deluxe room already pays more than a value resort why should they have to pay more to park? It should be a flat fee.
Is there a phone number and/or email you can publish for people to complain? People could pass it on. Hasn’t Disney changed course in the past if they know they’ve done wrong?
Call 1407 wdisney and just say complaint. They put you with guest services.
Hi Bob!
Here’s an email address you can use: WDW.Guest.Communications@disneyworld.com or you can call (407) 939-5277.
We have driven to Disney world many times. We generally stay at minimum a week. To have to pay an additional $100 to park my car is ridiculous. Sadly it seems Disney only cares about the almighty dollar. Will seriously rethink my next trip. This may just be the tipping point for us
I am beyond disappointed We come from MD every year. I have been coming since WDW opened. This fee is ridiculous. I would rather them raise my hotel price and not tell me. Now I BELIEVE that they try to suck every penny out of you. Wrong in every way. We have always stayed on property from $99 at Contemporary to our upcoming at AK Lodge. Might start looking elsewhere. Might charge a parking fee still but room will be cheaper!
This is just corporate greed. We called guest services and were told that they are receiving so many calls on this issue. Everyone should flood the lines. This could bea dealbreaker for us.
Liz-with your Disney connection, can you forward our comments to Disney?
Hi D’Ana!
I would call or email Disney and add your voice to the complaints. Here’s an email address you can use: WDW.Guest.Communications@disneyworld.com or you can call (407) 939-5277.
Some people say it’s for crowd control, but that is probably going to be taken care of with the ticket price hike. I’ve heard a rumor that Disney is listening to the complaints and might back down off of this. But it seems pretty silly to pay to park at your hotel, when your park parking is free because you stay onsite. I’m not sure extra magic hours are going to be worth all this hassle.
Hi Cas!
That would be great if they listened to the complaints. I can only imagine how many calls and emails they have received in response to this news.
When you are already paying nearly $600.00 a nite for a deluxe room, it is really insulting to have to pay more. We typically save for two years to do these trips. I just find it silly to pay more. Do you pay for parking at the grocery store? Or the hardware store? No, because they want you to come in and spend your money.
I so agree with you
Do annual pass holders have to pay? Parking is free at the parks if we drive. Does this include the resorts also?
As far as I know, yes, Annual Passholders have to pay the parking fee at the resorts.