As the title says, my name is Liz and I am a Disney addict. I am a mother of two who are in love with Disney, as well. My husband isn’t quite as big a fan as I am, but he’s learned to live with my Disney obsession 😉
I decided to start this blog because of my love for everything Disney, so I thought it would be fun to do. I love reading people’s reviews of Disney products, restaurants, etc., and I wanted to contribute to the reviews to help others who are planning their first trip or their hundred and first trip. Feel free to comment on the blogs if you have experiences with the topic. I know I am not alone when it comes to relying on others with past experience and their reviews when planning a trip. I start planning our Disney trips so far in advance and the reviews and pictures help me to feel like I am there.
People have asked me for advice when planning their trips and I love to help them plan! It doesn’t matter if I’m going on the trip or not, I love to help plan Disney vacations…and no, I am not a travel agent. Just a Disney enthusiast 😉 So much so that I actually made a spread sheet of different sit down restaurants at Disney World for our next trip, complete with columns for links to pictures and reviews…and I had fun doing it. That’s how you know you are an enthusiast, when you can spend the day making a spread sheet and have a blast doing it!
Now, while I love Disney, I also don’t wear blinders. I know they have their faults, and some of the reviews will show that, but I love Disney…faults and all. ⁰O⁰
