This week’s ears in the spotlight are a very pretty silver color.
The name Winter Frost is a good name for this pair. The color does give a winter vibe and it’s a pretty, soft silver color. They’re a simple pair of ears with not a lot of decorations on them, but they’re a nice pair in their simplicity.
As I said above, the theme for these ears is Winter Frost. So both ears are covered with a silver velour material. You can tell looking at the ears that they are soft and padded. Again, there are not a lot of details on these ears, so the ears themselves are just the silver fabric on both sides.

The bow is covered in sequins, so it sparkles. Silver and gold sequins cover the bow, which adds nicely to the Winter Frost theme.

On the headband you will find the same silver velour material that covers the ears also covers the outside of the headband. The inside of the headband has a non-slip silver velour material, so it matches very well with the rest of the headband.

These really are a cute pair and the Winter Frost theme is pretty. A lot of the headbands these days seem to have quite a bit going on with them. So it’s nice to add a simple pair into the mix every once in a while.
- Availability
- shopDisney.com
- Select locations on Disney property
- Cost: $29.99
Do you have a favorite pair of ears? Feel free to share pictures of your Disney ears in the comments below or in one of our Facebook groups: Main Street Wishes and Countdown for Disney App.
Thanks for reading!