Hey Disney Fans!
If you haven’t guessed it, I’ve been doing some early spring cleaning. During spring cleaning I’ve been finding some fun Disney stuff that’s brought me down memory lane.
I came across these two key chains this past weekend. Key chains were one of my go-to souvenirs as a kid (okay, I still love them as an adult too). They are relatively inexpensive, don’t take up a lot of room, functional, adorable, and when you’re little they fit perfectly in one’s hand. Plus, Disney has a lot of choices when it comes to keychains.
Here are a few places where you can find them:
- Disney Store or Disneystore.com
- Shop Disney Parks app
- Disney World (in stores on property)
- Amazon
The first up is obviously peter pan! The boy who never grew up….one of my all time favorite characters.
The other is the classic Donald Duck. This one mystifies me a little because I have never been able to work out what he’s holding in his hand. I think I finally decided that it was a ping pong paddle, but I really have no idea why I think that. If you have a guess, let me know.
We loved hearing about some of your favorite memorabilia recently! It really made our day! Feel free to share more memorabilia stories in the comments or in our Facebook group.
Thanks for reading!
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I collect the keychains as well. However, I only collect Mickey Mouse. I’m taking a trip in a few weeks with my 7yr old daughter (1st Annual Mommy & Me Trip). I think I’ll start a collection for her. As for the Donald Duck keychain…I believe he’s holding a tennis racket. I think it’s from a Disney short (cartoon).
Hi Jeannine!
That’s such a great tradition to start with your daughter! You can both have fun picking out your keychains together 🙂 I’ve gotten a keychain on the last three trips, so I guess I’ve started a collection too. Lol
Hope you and your daughter have a magical trip!