Hello Everyone!
The weather is starting to get a bit chilly, so I thought something Frozen inspired would be the perfect treat!
My mom dropped off a ton of crocheted headbands / ear warmers. They are all different sizes, colors and have slight variation in design. She does this from time to time, so if anyone wonders where my craft habits come from, that’s where (LOL). Among the lot were these gorgeous blue ones.

I took one look at them and thought Elsa. I simply HAD TO crochet a snowflake to go with them….and I have a video for that!!!
Down below is the video I used to help me learn how to make these gorgeous snowflakes.
These beautiful snowflakes can be used to decorate mittens, scarves, headbands, hats, etc. OR you can turn them in to ornaments for holiday decoration, adorn gifts with them, etc. Yes, the video shows you how to do that too! And yes my holiday tree looks like a blizzard hit it. (I may have an obsession with snowflakes)
I was a little hesitant to try these snowflakes at first. I thought they looked a bit complicated. But in truth they are perfect for any level!! The video is really exceptional. She explains things clearly and concisely. Oh, and it’s easy to follow visually as well. I was really surprised at how easy they ended up being!
The video itself is only about 8.5 min long. ;0) A perfect quick watch for anyone who has a busy schedule.
This time of year is perfect for finding white yarn with a little extra sparkles in it. My only advice is to avoid yarn that has sequins in it. I tried yarn like that for one set of snowflakes and had a really hard time closing the center of the snowflake due to the extra size of the sequins involved. Make sure your yarn is a smooth variety for the better results.
If you try a snowflake let us know. We love to hear from you and see your projects!!
Thanks for reading!
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